Home Emergency Preparedness

Would you know what to do if a stranger broke into your home?

What if there was a fire?
Do you and your family have a planned escape route?

Do your children know how to call first responders if there’s an emergency?

Do you have the right security measures in place around your home to deter break-ins?

A home emergency preparedness assessment with FITT can help you answer these questions and many more. With our guidance, you’ll implement strategies that keep you safe and gain the confidence to act quickly in just about any emergency.

How It Works:

Home Emergency Preparedness Consultation

(1 Hour Consultation)

Our home emergency preparedness assessment is delivered by former NYC police officer Kristine Smith. Throughout her years on the force, Kris has gained valuable insights on handling emergency situations with quick, confident action.

With Kristine’s advice you’ll learn:

Who Should Get a Home Emergency Preparedness Assessment?

Get the confidence you need to take quick action in any emergency and keep your home safe and secure.